Monday, April 8, 2013


Look at me, I'm blogging! The girls are napping at the same time, so here I am. Okay, now on to the post.

It seems as though I've hit another plateau. It's kinda bumming me out a bit. I mean, I've been busting my butt. And nothing! If I'm being honest ( and I try to be) as I thought about it, while I might have stepped up my exercise plan, I think a floundered a bit with the "healthy" eating. I mean, I try hard to keep junk food out of the house. Out of site out of mind, and there is no need to exercise will power as hard if it's not here. With Easter being last sunday we've had candy in the house. Chocolaty, peanut buttery, mini cadbury eggs, yummy delicious candy. And I may have sneaked a few more bites than I thought. So the plan this week: STAY ON TRACK!!!! We are going camping this weekend, so it might be a little hard. Traditionally, when camping, my family eat like kings! Not sure why the food is better and in ample supply when we sleep in the dirt, but it is.  So I will be found living in my yoga pants, exercising to videos and spinning it up at the gym! Here's to working on crushing that PLATEAU! 

...And Peyton is awake!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog post today! When I read it I could picture you just talkin' about this on the couch with me. Hehe. But speaking of plateaus (that's a hard word to spell!) I'm there too. I didn't gain or lose anything the past week. I too have been counting my calories buuuutttt maybe not saying no to enough beer/chocolate. I count them but those calories stick to the hips far worse than carrots. haha. Maybe this is the sign we just need to tone what we have! :)
