Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feelin' Good!

I've got to say, I'm feeling great. Feeling energetic. Feeling better about my self. I recently started loosely following the "15 Day Body Reset Diet", by Harley Pasternak. A friend of mine has been doing it for a little while now, with success. Frustrated with my body's weight loss plateau I decided to give it a try. And 4 days in I'm 3 pounds down. I haven't seen that kind of loss in a while. I'm not sure if it's fat loss or "waste" as this diet is high fiber, high protein, it's bound to cleanse you're system. Either way the number on the scale is dropping, and who doesn't appreciate that? Today my scale told me (it really did, it's programmed that way) that I'm 15 pounds away from the goal weight I set for my self over a year ago. Honestly when I picked the number , I never thought I would actually get this close to it. I'm elated. I may actually break my no shorts rule and get a pair for Disneyland. We'll see.