Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In a Rut?

I'm twenty five years old, and twenty six is rapidly approaching. As far as age goes, I guess I am fairly young. True. Then why is it that I feel much older?

I've always been a little more mature for my age. I was always sitting with the adults and talking with them at parties I would go to with my parents. I was always the oldest of all my parents friend's kids. I was usually older then the kids in my class, and most of my friends.

I've always been a little more serious then most people I know, but I was still able to let loose and have fun.

So here I am. I am only twenty five and I feel much older. I feel old. I feel like I look old, and I am not really sure what to do about it.

1 comment:

  1. We all end up in 'ruts' during our matter how old we are. The only advice I have to do something you've never done- or take that chance you were scared to take. I felt (often) like I was just 'stuck' where I am. But I honestly believe giving it everything makes the difference. A rejuvenating trip to Oregon maybe? We can try NEW clothes and NEW things together. Love ya Doll.
