Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa Made me Cry

I'll explain the title in a bit, but until then answer me this : Is it just me or do the holidays make you super emotional?

For a long time now, December has marked the onset of Holiday Depression for me. It turns me into a weepy, emotional, scrooge. Don't get me wrong, I love the Holidays. I love the lights, the decorations, the celebrations, the food, the spirit, abd the joyfulness it brings. I feel like the older I get, the harder it is to find the magic that Christmas held when I was a kid.

Now, as an adult I understand all the responsibilites that go in to creating that "Christmas Cheer", and all to often it comes down to money. Now, I know that Christmas really isn't supposed to be about the gifts. I understand that it's a time of the year that draws family and friends close together.I also know it to be the season of giving. And so starts the stress of wondering how to provide the perfect Christmas with what is available to you.

I'm sure I'm not alone on that feeling.

December makes me want to cry, sometimes for know reason at all. Sometimes because the season reminds me of those who are not here to celebrate with us any longer.

Sunday, my family went to cut down our Christmas trees. I look forward to this every year, I love doing it. We headed to my parents to make pizza's after the cut down, and while the guys were trying to put lights on the tree, mom and I ran to wal mart to get a new strand of lights. drivng there we got stuck behind this thing driving, what had to be, 10 mph. We soon realized it was a Christmas Float, with Santa aboard. When we got to the turning lane the float was right beside us, Santa looked at me, and waved. I looked at my mom and said " I miss Papa", and started to cry.

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