Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back to Scrappin'

Wow. All week I have really had the itch to sit down and get some scrappin' done. It finally happend! After I got Annaleese to bed for the night, I sat down at my craft table, pulled out some photo's and just started scrappin. It felt amazing, theraputic, and well worth it. I made 4 layouts in a 3 hour period, and even got some organizing done. I forgot how quickly time passes when you get lost in creativity. Before I knew it , it was 11 pm. ( late for me).

Today while Annaleese napped I churned out another 1.5 layouts. I'm super psyched! I wish I had more friends who scrapped. I have some who are interested in learning. Selfish as this will sound, I don't really want to spend my scrap time teaching. I want to scrap. Jessica - why do we live so far? I blame you for this addiction - but I thank you also.

1 comment:

  1. I take full responsiblity! It's so fun to "play" with all the goodies the scrap world holds. Enjoy and keep up the great work!
