Friday, January 14, 2011

Goodbye 2010 Hello New Decade

So I've been sitting here for a long time now thinking of what to write. And I can't come up with anything that Isn't to vauge or boring. The truth is that 2010 was hard on my personally, and I learned a lot from those experiences.

Over the last couple of years I've resolved to not make new years resolutions. This year I feel it is important to make just one, and try so very hard to uphold it.

I resolve to make my self more of a priority.

Get Healthier - losing weight would be great but not a must.
Indulge a little - I have the hardest time spending money on my self. If I like that shirt at the store I should actually leave with it.
Time away - I need to get out of the house more often on my own to do my own thing, whether its a short trip to the grocery store, window shopping or dinner with a friend.
Date Nights - Spending a little more one on one with my husband would be amazing.
A Monthly treat - Facial, manicure, massage, anything that benefit ME

These are just a few ideas I have. I may add or subtract from this list. The point is that I need to focus on me a little more than I do.

So here's to a great year for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a great resolution- and I whole heartedly agree that at times we all forget that we're individuals too. :) So enjoy 2011 my friend!
