Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Getting in Gear...Again

Here I am again, starting over with the intention to get healthier, lose weight, and feel better about myself. I started and failed In January. Found out I had a hypothyroid, dealt with that, finally got it in check, and I am feeling much better. I wish I could say that my energy level has been fully restored to normal, but that wont happen - probably ever. Two little ones at home make the prospect of complete restfulness seem bleak, however fun, and completely worth it. 

You may as well call me crazy. My sister and I are starting the Insanity program. Actually, I just finished the fit test. My heart rate still hasn't returned to normal. The only way I can describe how I feel right now is to say F! I know, I'm more intelligent then that, but really that's how I feel at the moment. It was hard, and that was just the fit test. I'm glad I am doing this in the privacy of my own home. I mean, some of the exercises are downright silly, and when you are attempting them for the first time, you look silly times ten.  One exercise is called Globe jumps. Basically you start with your hands above your head, transition to a squat , jump up, and repeat until you have done a square rotation. Picture a frog hopping. I call them frog jumps. Even the professionals look ridiculous. A couple exercises I tried, fell, and laughed at my self. I guess I'll have to have a sense of humor to complete this. I'm hoping to make it the full 60 days.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that same way anytime I learn a new zumba move. Haha...completely unattractive. But the reality is we're doing this to improve our health and not look glamorous! So good for you! The first few weeks of anything is always the hardest! Keep to it! I wish I had enough discipline to work out at home...but alas paying someone else to kick my butt seems to be what works. Good luck!
