Thursday, April 19, 2012

Help! I'm in terrible pain..

So the purpose of this post is mainly to vent. I have to have an out let to do so, so why not here? Today is day 3 of insanity, and I had to step away. I started the third workout and about five minutes in I had to stop. I'm not giving up on the program, at least not yet. I'm in so much pain, I expected to be incredibly sore, I expected to be tired, I expected to not want to continue, but I did not anticipate the level of body exhaustion I am feeling. 

I believe I pulled a couple of muscles. I pulled something in the arch of my foot, doing some exercises, such as running in place make that evident. Landing on the ball of my foot before making full contact with the floor causes a shooting pain throughout my foot. Today I plan on stretching my foot and hopefully working out the kinks - so to speak. 

My Back! The right side only. It feels as if someone stomped on it wearing heels.It's very tight and makes it tough to lift Peyton out of her car seat, into the car, out of her crib, etc. I'm pretty sure I pulled that, I felt that after the first workout. I'm sure I did an exercise, if not all of them, incorrectly the first time or two. 

Like I said before I'm not ready to abandon the program just yet. I might have to modify the schedule a bit though. I'm thinking every other day or two days in a row followed by a day or rest and then restart. It's still exercising 5 days a week. But allows for a bit of recoup. I'm just not so sure this is the program for me, and when something interferes with how I interact with my children, as far as the basics of taking care of them, let alone playing with them, I might have to reconsider. I know that every workout program gets easier as you keep at it. But I'm still wondering if this is worth it.

I've been reading a lot of reviews of the program online. Many people complain of the same issues I am, and most say that weight loss is minimal, this is because you are building muscle. I know how all of that works. To be honest I'm looking for something that will offer me more weight loss and get me toned and in shape.

I'm researching a couple of other programs I can do at home, with some luck I will find something that works for me. I'm thinking something that incorporates dance. I like to dance, but have trouble picking up moves easily - I need step by step instruction, something that teaches the moves slowly first and doesn't expect you to see what they do and then just go right into it. I don't learn like that.

I'm also hoping to get a double jogging stroller so that I can take the girls out with me for a jog - trust me I'd like to do this on my own, but with my husbands work schedule I have two choices, don't exercise or find something that incorporates my girls. 

Whatever direction or program I choose - I am not giving up on getting in shape!

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