Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Lately I've found my self in a slump when it comes to my appearance. I cringe when I see my post baby body in the mirror. So I set out to do something about it. I started eating smarter and healthier, and added exercise to the mix. For the first two weeks I was strict about no junk food. No candy, cookies, chocolate, Starbucks mocha's, and no FAST FOOD. I did pretty well. I realized quickly that depriving my self of the things I do enjoy is a recipe for disaster. So I started to allow my self some room for treats. I've found that stress is a trigger for me. I downloaded a food journal to my phone, and track what I eat for each meal or snack. This helps keep me on track for my daily calorie, fat, carbs, sugar, and protein intake for the day. It's a great tool. Most days I'm right where I should be. 

So why have I only dropped less than a pound in almost 1 month? I am beyond frustrated. I understand that it took 9+ months to gain the weight. I understand it will take time to drop it too. I've been there, done that. 

Today I saw my doctor. I explained what I've been doing, and what's been going on. Besides not having very much success in the weight loss department, I've just felt as though I'm not bouncing back like I should be. I'm pretty much always exhausted, even though I'm getting a good amount of sleep. Peyton has been sleeping better for the last 6 weeks, yet I feel more wiped out then I did when we first brought her home. After explaining this, and other symptoms to my doctor, we decided I should get my thyroid checked out. Tomorrow I go in for blood work, and hopefully I have an answer for the super slow weight loss, fatigue and other issues. If it's not my thyroid then I guess we'll be discussing what else can be done to show results.

Even though I'm not seeing the results I want on the scale or my clothes, I still continue to exercise and eat better.

1 comment:

  1. Just like you said- it takes time. We all do so much hard word for 30 days and when we see a little pay off we abandon our goals. It's hard- and might take longer than you originally had seen. You're beautiful and have two kids- so give yourself a little slack :) If you were feeling like this 1-2 years AFTER peyton than yeah- I'd be worried. But honestly I think it's normal. I hope you dont' have a thyroid issue (no bueno). Love ya and wish we were closer to motivate one another. You've always lost weight WAY faster than I have no fear it won't continue being that way. Ha!
