Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting Fit...

So since Peyton was born I knew it was time to change the eating habbits, and exercise, but kept saying " Next week", then it was " After Thanksgiving", then "After the Holidays". It's hard to do these things, simple as they are. when you are so tired you only leave the house to grocery shop, or put of making dinner/lunch because picking up take out is so much easier.

I couldn't avoid my reflection in the mirror anymore. Everytime I looked, I hated what I saw. I know I just had a baby- not so recently- I know it takes time for your body to bounce back. As true as that is, I also knew that it wouldn't bounce back any time soon if I didn't start helping the process.

So January 1, I started tracking what I eat with the myfitnesspal app. Gave up, fast food, and Starbucks-which has been my fuel. I feel better. I can already feel a difference, I had Pizza at a birthday party the other day and regretted it. Not for the fact it probably took up most of my calorie allotment for the day but for the fact that I felt terrible after. I felt bloated from the salt and grease. Funny how just a few days of eating better can make that much of an impact on your body.

Sunday I decided to print a free pass to 24hour fitness. I went with Cortney. She worked me out pretty good. I will admit I flat out refused to do some of the exercises she showed me. I'm just not fit enough to do them. I've gone for 2 days now. And feel good. I'm thinking of joining. But not sure yet. I have to take the girls with me and see how they do in the day care. That's kind of a deal breaker.

I've lost about 2.8 pounds! I think I actually lost more than that. My scale at home isn't the most reliable.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I too said "I'll jump back into it after Christmas" and it is hard! :) Counting calories is great portion control too. Remember it takes 15 days for you to feel the difference in your clothes, 30 for the physically see the difference, and 45 for other people to notice- SO KEEP AT IT!
