Friday, December 14, 2012

This Time of Year

I usually feel stressed, strapped for cash, and a little out of the spirit of the season. This year and last that is definitely not the case. Yes, I still have the same anxieties, and worries, but they are quieted by my efforts to make Christmas feel magical and fun for my daughter(s). I try very hard to keep my stressing out of sight of Annaleese. 

This year I'm trying hard to just have fun. Have fun shopping for their gifts from Santa. Have fun baking with Annaleese. Have fun watching Peyton steal the ornaments off the tree. So far I'm succeeding. 

Last year we adopted our Elf on the shelf. Annaleese name her Lily. I have fun with her, or at least I try too. I have her bring Annaleese 4-5 little gifts, like a cookie, an ornament to paint or put together, a new Christmas tree ornament. Just little trinkets. Last year she decorated the tree with toilet paper. That's the one she still talks about - I'm thinking of getting some tinsel to put on the tree and we'll say lily did it. I'd like to dye the milk with food coloring- but I'm not sure she would drink it if it were green or pink.

It's just nice to start enjoying the season for once. I'm looking forward to taking her to Vasona Park to see the light display. Sadly in our neighbor hood their aren't any really good light displays.

Well I hope everyone is enjoying the season too!

1 comment:

  1. I think we all go through the christmas 'slump' at some point in our lives. I know I did. Yet (just like you said) all that magic is reborn again when we get to experience Christmas through a child's eyes. I'm so glad you're taking this special time to enjoy the girls' excitement. And Lily was a wonderful addition to the Holiday fun! Enjoy these last few weeks of December together- you're an amazing mom.
